Newfies-Dialer Helping to Renew SSL Certificates

Debt Management Collections System

Back in August 2017, Symantec sold its website security and PKI solutions to DigiCert, who specialise in SSL and PKI technologies.


Google had problems with the way that Symantec handled certificates, and has from mid-April 2018, decided to stop trusting Symantec issued certificates in their chrome browser, even those that are issued by an intermediate organisation which used Symantec as their root of trust, such as Thawte, GeoTrust, and RapidSSL.

This will mean that when using Chrome, websites with Symantec certificates will be listed as untrustworthy. This is a huge issue if you are selling products online on your SSL secured website.

This has given companies who sell SSL certificates to companies around the world a big problem, they need to contact each of their customers who have Symantec issued certificates and issue a new certificate.

The SSL Store, contacted us and asked if we could help with our voice broadcasting product, Newfies-Dialer. The SSL Store is a premium SSL service provider offering certificates at discounted prices along with support.

We can help

The SSL Store team had no experience in voice broadcasting, so we were able to help them with an introduction to a carrier who had world wide termination. We then assisted with sanitising their telephone data and getting it uploaded to the system and wit some direction from us they had no problems with cleaning their data for upload.

Setting up Newfies-Dialer

Newfies-Dialer was configured with a Press-1 campaign playing a message explaining to the SSL store customer the reason for the call, and what needs to be done.

  • If the customer presses 1, then they are diverted through to their customer services team who can issue new certificates and help their customer with getting this resolved.
  • If the customer presses 3, then they are added to the DNC list and never called again.
  • If voicemail was detected, then a voicemail message is left after the beep suggesting the customer be called back.

SSL Store Press 1 Call flow


Clearly, it’s really important for The SSL Store to get through to their customers, so not only was Newfies-Dialer configured to call back if their was not answer, if the call was answered, and the customer did not take some sort of action, for instance talking to an agent, (or pressing 3 for DNC) then the customer would be called back a couple more times, hopefully to complete the survey.


At the end of each day, they could download the survey reports, the SSL Store were able to compile who had been contacted, and make up new lists for the next day’s calls.


We were pleased to help The SSL Store with contacting everyone so that come the April 17th upgrade of Chrome, sysadmins do not end up with furious emails as to why their site is insecure.