Heads up on Appointment Reminder module

autodialer solution

In the next release Newfies-Dialer will include an Appointment Reminder module. Newfies-Dialer was originally designed to provide powerful voice broadcasting, making thousands or even millions of calls via gateways to different audiences. One of the major limitations of voice broadcasting was that it is difficult to target a call to a specific contact at a programmed or preset time. The appointment module addresses this limitation allowing calls to be sent at a preset time.

The Appointment reminder module will allow alarms to be triggered on an event by using voice call, SMS or Email

Using The Appointment Reminder module to trigger call alarms will be quite simple. First, an IVR application is created with the required node messages and branching actions; then an event will be created and attached to a calendar; finally, alarms can be configured to either trigger a voice call (IVR), SMS or email.
With this new module we are introducing few new components:

Calendar User
The Calendar-User is a sub-user of the Newfies-Dialer User. The Calendar-User will the customer who is creating the reminders or alarms. For instance, if you create a appointment reminders to a Doctor’s surgery, then the calendar user may be an individual doctor or secretary. The rights of a Calendar-User can be configured via the Calendar-User’s settings. Note that a Calendar-User does not log into the interface, alarms are created and configured via the Newfies-Dialer login.

Calendar is an entity that helps to group and collect events.

An Event sets the time, date and duration of when the alarms are to be sent out. An event is linked to a calendar. The Event also includes custom rules that can be set up to trigger an event every day, week or month, as well as create more complex rules such as; repeat every Tuesday at a given time.

An Alarm notifies by SMS, voice call or email that an event is occurring. Other methods could be added. Alarms have a number of settings which offer a gre

We are looking forward to wrap-up our new release and get this out to you, we will keep you posted.